Monday, April 19, 2010


The Hollywood movie industry is known for creating tons of movies that have entertained millions of people around the world. From comedies to romance to horror films, the Hollywood industry has made them all. They have also made movies that have angered and upset people due to the racial and stereotypical characters that are portrayed in their movies. Asian Americans are part of that racial group where script writers have chosen to represent the Asian American actors as inferior to the white lead actor.

In the 1984 movie, Sixteen Candles, an Asian American actor is used in the movie as a comic relief to the play the role of Long Duk Dong known as the “donger”. Some believe that this movie was one of the most offensive Asian stereotypes seen in a Hollywood movie. He is the typical foreign Asian character who all the cool kids at school pick on. His talks with an accent and says phrases such as, “oh, sexy girlfriend” and “what’s happenin’ hot stuff?” It is obvious to the viewers that he is unlike the rest of the characters in the movie and doesn’t fit in.

Movies such as Sixteen Candles are seen as racist because of the negative stereotypes that they continue to play on. Of course the movie’s main intention is to provide humor and comedy but there are certain limitations that are humorous and those that become offensive. Many critics believe that this character embodied all the horrible stereotypes that Asian Americans deal with on a daily basis. The nickname “donger” was Asian American males’ worst nightmare during this time, as many were called this at school. The character also sent out the message to the viewers that Asian Americans were very different from the rest of the society and should be treated as outcasts because they haven’t learned to assimilate. This of course is not true as many Asian Americans have assimilated with the American culture. Also the stereotype that all Asians are dorks/nerds and don’t have a social life were also played out in the movie.

Many people use what they see in movies as a standard stereotype of a certain racial class especially if most movies portray the same characteristics. Asian American males are most of the time portrayed in movies as the villain or as dorks. Asian American women are portrayed as the “dragon lady” or the “china doll”. They are usually never the lead roll and are always inferior to the white man. It is not just Asian Americans whose negative stereotypes are portrayed in films, but almost every racial class is seen lesser to the white man. I think that script writers should focus their attention less on the negative stereotypes of a racial class because what people see in movies they may apply to real life. This is where discrimination and racial prejudice can emerge especially those who do not know any Asian Americans and believe in the stereotypes that are seen in the movie. Movies are supposed to entertain us and not to make people feel upset and offended.

Word Count 516

Monday, April 5, 2010

Tag: Cosmetic Surgery

It is amazing how much both men and women today spend on their beauty regimes. These can include things like makeup, diet and exercise, skin care, cosmetic surgery, and many more. For some of us it is not that unusual when we hear someone spending hundreds of dollars a month on their beauty routines and for others it seems ridiculous. For these people these routines are part of their everyday lives and are must haves.

The first sociological image that I chose was titled, “The Beauty Industry: Spending and Routines.” The Economist reports that $160 billion dollars are spent yearly worldwide on such products and services. There were six women who were interviewed about their spending habits on such products and services. The ages of the women ranged from 25 to 36 year olds living in New York. Claudine, the 29 year old PR owner, spends the least amount of money on her physical appearance at about $80 a month. She believes that the less she buys the better she will look. Suzanne, the 36 year old hedge fund executive, spent the most out of all six of the women by spending $1720 a month on her beauty regiments. These images just show how our society is so obsessed with physical appearances. Some people believe that without the makeup or whatever else they do, wouldn’t make them the person who they are. Also many people feel much more confident with themselves when they cover their face with makeup. Our society today is based a lot on looks and we can see this just by turning on the television or looking at the cover of a magazine.

The second sociological image that I chose was titled, “Tattoo Makeup on Your Face for That Natural Look.” The image was an ad advertising permanent makeup. The title is kind of ironic because tattooing something on your face would not make you look more natural but just the opposite. The article also suggests that if companies use words such as “permanent makeup” instead of makeup tattooing that people will feel more comfortable in purchasing the service because it sounds less terrifying. The image shows how women and men again are spending money on their outer appearance in order to feel or to boost their self-confidence.

The third sociological image that I chose was titled, “Eyelid Gluing for a Western Look.” This is similar to one of our discussion posts that we had before about the surgeon who were doing surgeries on the eyelid to make the eyes look more “western”. Instead of getting the surgery this video shows how anyone could fake a double eyelid. By purchasing the glue or tape Asians could now have the double eyelid. As I watching the youtube video I was quite scared because it looked like it really hurt when the girl kept pushing her eyelid in. Once again we see people spending money on products to change or enhance their physical appearance.

With these three images it is obvious that the younger generations seem more superficial then the older ones. I know many girls who won’t step out of the house unless they have their full face makeup on. Everyone wants that flawless face or the perfect hair and we are willing to spend whatever it costs to achieve it. Both men and women are guilty for this act even though the images were only of women. Also it seems more common in high school that if you are not wearing the latest brands of clothing you are cast as an outcast from the “popular” kids. Nowadays our society are consumers even with the economic hardships that we are facing, we are still finding ways to purchase the products and services that benefit our physical appearances.

Words 632