Friday, May 14, 2010

Part 3

Although our society as a whole is realizing that tanning salons are not healthy for our skin, how much are our efforts going to decrease the amount of individuals who still use the tanning beds. In reality, law makers, doctors, and researchers, can provide the public with the information they need to educate themselves about the harmful rays from the tanning bed lights, but it comes down to the person’s own choice. They can ignore or get around some laws that are put in place if it meant that they were still able to keep visiting the salons in trying to achieve the perfect skin color they want. It is also difficult for the younger generation to believe the facts about skin damage and cancer because it doesn’t show up right away. Many people are also very naive and believe that something bad could or would never happen to them. When images of celebrities are constantly posted with them having the golden brown tan, a majority of the people will continue to use the tanning salons despite their knowledge about how bad it is for your skin. Our society puts so much emphasis on physical appearances that many people go to great lengths and spend tons of money in order to feel “beautiful”, even if it meant sacrificing your health. America’s popular culture influences so many Americans as well as people from other countries who want to look and do what we are doing. I think the only way for people to decrease the amount of time they spend at tanning salons would be for famous celebrities to speak out about the detrimental effects it can have on your skin and that there are other products out there that can achieve that same effect such as tanning lotions or getting a spray tan.


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